
Gotham Season 3 Episode 3 by Emmy Elliott

Working on Gotham was an eye opening experience to how much effort is put into small scenes. It was inspiring to see the entire crew's dedication to perfection come to life and be challenged to have a good attitude throughout the process. 

This was my first TV show that I worked in New York, and right after booking Gotham I hit the ground running and booked a list of shows for the rest of summer and into the fall. 

While shooting this I was upset I had to wear a wig, they were trying to make me appear older, but at the time I was annoyed that I had to look so unlike myself. I know it sounds silly and it definitely was humbling for me. I have to work on swallowing my pride sometimes! 

The pluses outweighed the stupid wig...I made a lot of friends that day, and the director kept placing me in the front so I know he at least saw some potential, or maybe he just liked the wig! 

Make sure to watch Gotham season 3 airing now on FOX. You can watch it for free on the app! 

XO Emmy 

This Month I Filmed... by Emmy Elliott

What a crazy month it has been! I have been working on a different TV Show or movie every day for the past month and keeping the pattern up for this upcoming week. This month I filmed Gotham (Fox), Quantico (ABC), One Shot (BET), The Affair (HBO), The Deuce (HBO), Everyone Knows McGee (Feature Film), and Rock That Body (Feature Film). I unfortunately can't post any pictures from behind the scenes since I sign confidentiality agreements and phones are banned on set! I'm going to a fitting for another feature film in about 30 minutes but wanted to update my blog and website. 

New hair color! Yay! 

New hair color! Yay! 

I had the past two days off for the first time in a while and I didn't know what to do with myself. I hate having free time! I got my hair done at Cutler Salon in Soho by the amazing Ryan who made my hair sexy and pretty, just how I like it! That was my treat yo self day. 

Choker season...I picked up a bunch of cute chokers at Necessary Clothing in Soho! 

Choker season...I picked up a bunch of cute chokers at Necessary Clothing in Soho! 

 I actually went on a real date, and nothing bad happened! Well would ya look at that. I am just a wee bit uptight in that I don't like to go on dates anymore because I've become an absolute spaz about my time. I wish I could clone myself like 10 times! I turned down roughly 200 offers to "grab a drink" (I don't drink...yawn) or offers to go to their summer place in The Hamptons (what would I do on the beach.. I'd just stress out about not working). I finally caved and went on a dinner date cause he's 6'5 brunette with a chiseled jawline and every girl has her moments of weakness. If something isn't directly benefiting me and my success I remove it from my calendar and mind. I'm super focused and disciplined and things that will take me away from my passions just tend to annoy me. I realize I'm so black and white about it but my mentality is life is short and I have to make sure that my day is all about bettering myself and focusing on my goals. 

Polaroids! So addicting I already need to pick up more film from Urban Outfitters, and apparently need to invest in a camera case since I'm a 5 year old that gets chocolate on everythingggg.

Polaroids! So addicting I already need to pick up more film from Urban Outfitters, and apparently need to invest in a camera case since I'm a 5 year old that gets chocolate on everythingggg.

Speaking of...I'm off to go to the fitting! I have so many photoshoot posts I have to post (like 50!) but that would require me to sit still for 45 minutes! I'll have to try to get rid of some of this energy before doing that! 

XO Emmy